
Thank you for participating in the MEI-Center Spring School 2025


The MEI-Center Spring School 2025, held from February 18-20, 2025, in collaboration with University College London (UCL), brought together students from multiple countries to engage in cutting-edge biomedical engineering topics. The program featured a series of expert lectures covering areas such as cardiovascular computational modeling, therapeutic ultrasound, and biophysics, fostering deep discussions and international exchange. Participants praised the well-structured schedule, engaging lectures, and excellent audiovisual materials, which enhanced the learning experience.

Program details can be found in the PDF [here].
MEIセンター・スプリングスクール2025 は、2025年2月17日~19日University College London (UCL) と共同で開催され、多国籍の学生が参加しました。プログラムでは、cardiovascular computational modeling, therapeutic ultrasound, and biophysics などの最先端トピックについての講義が行われ、Spring School の一環として同じテーマでMEIセンター国際シンポジウムを開催しました。シンポジウムでは、学生とシンポジウム参加者で活発な意見交換が行われました。

As part of the Spring School, students participated in exclusive lab tours at Osaka University on February 20, 2025. They visited leading research groups in bioprocess systems, neural and sensory organ surgery, pharmacology, biophysics, and human motor control.

The lab tours included visits to the following research groups:

– Kino-oka Lab (BioProcess Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering)

– Kishima Lab (Department of Neural and Sensory Organ Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine)

– Hibino Lab (Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine)

– Kiyono Lab (Biophysics and Data Science Group, Graduate School of Engineering Science)

– Nishikawa Lab (Human Motor Control & Human Enhancement Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering Science)

– Deguchi Lab (BioMeasurement Group, Graduate School of Engineering Science)

The tour provided valuable insights into ongoing research and state-of-the-art facilities, allowing participants to interact directly with researchers and explore potential collaboration opportunities.


